
Sponsorship and exhibition opportunity 

This Broadband investment summit event is where government, industry leaders, and other stakeholders will gather to discuss and strategise about broadband infrastructure development funding, and policies. They will focus on investing on the largest potential economy in Africa for broadband infrastructure. The dialog will zoom in on expanding high-speed internet access to underserved or rural areas, as well as fortering innovation and economic growth through improved connectivity.

The summit will be convened and lead by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is the independent National Regulatory Authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria. The Commission is responsible for cre ating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of avalitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country. The Commission has initiated several programs such as State Accelerated Broadband Initiative (SABI) and Wire Nigeria Project (WIN) to help stimulate demand and accelerate the uptake of ICT tools and services necessary for the enthronement of a know-edge society in Nigeria.

Our goal is to Empower Nigeria through our Broadband Summit

Accelerating digital connectivity to foster innovation, inclusion, and economic growth."

Welcome to the Nigerian Broadband Summit, where innovation meets connectivity, and opportunities unfold in the digital landscape of tomorrow. In a world propelled by the power of connectivity, Nigeria stands at the forefront of a technological revolution, and the Nigerian Broadband Summit is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of this digital frontier.